


The Capital City Citizens' Committee is firmly of the view that the current City of Perth Act is fatally-flawed and a missed opportunity to create a great capital city for Western Australia. BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP.

Write, email, phone or lobby your local Member of the Legislative Assembly and Members of the Legislative Council. You can find their names and contact details at http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/parliament/memblist.nsf/WebCurrMembElectorate Just type the name of your suburb or your postcode into the 'search' box and click on the 'Search' button.

Feel free to use information on this blog to help you make the case.

Thank you all.

Friday 31 July 2015

WA Electoral Commission Does Not Agree

The factors to be considered by the WA Electoral Commission in setting parliamentary electorate boundaries are remarkably similar to those set out for the Local Government Advisory Board in the Local Government Act, 1995.

The Electoral Commission itself, elsewhere (eg taking the southern part of Mt Lawley from the seat of Perth to the seat of Mt Lawley - thus splitting the City of Vincent where it was not previously split), doesn't seem to be overly constrained by 'existing local government boundaries', so we must assume that the other factors exerted substantial influence.

Click to enlarge
The proposed boundaries for the state seat of Perth, although notionally including Kings Park, do not include those areas of Subiaco and Nedlands proposed to be incorporated into the City of Perth under the City of Perth Bill. Nor, interestingly, do they include the area of Crawley (including part of UWA) that is already part of the City of Perth.

These same criteria are ignored in the City of Perth Bill, which proposes boundaries that are totally illogical.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

CCCC At South Perth Council

Cecilia Brooke and I spoke on behalf of the Capital City Citizens' Committee at the South Perth Council Meeting last night (Tuesday 28th July). Here is the main part of what we said.

Well Done, South Perth Council

Last night, South Perth City Council voted unanimously to express its strong concerns about a range of aspects of the City of Perth Bill currently before the Legislative Assembly.

Faced with an officer recommendation that Council seek deletion of clause 37 from the Bill and provide commentary on some other aspects of the Bill, Councillors, at the instigation of Cr Colin Cala, transformed their resolution (passed unanimously) into a virtual rejection of the Bill in its entirety, including:

a)    deletion of clause 37* from the City of Perth Bill;
b)    providing commentary on other aspects of the Bill with reference to clauses 19-21** and clauses 12-15***
c)    expressing  Council’s concern with the uncertainties, ambiguities and lack of procedural  fairness, clear process and accountability that is currently contained in other clauses of the Bill, especially with regard to clauses 17 and 18****; clauses 28 and 29*****; and clause 27******;
d)    requesting in the strongest terms, that the government consider a re-draft of the Bill in order to provide more clarity in its provisions and inclusiveness in its application;
e)    that while seeking to establish a more effective Capital City, the Bill do so without disadvantaging the rights and financial sustainability of adjacent local authorities.

Cr Kevin Trent added an amendment, also passed unanimously, that the resolution and the reasons for it be communicated to all local Councils in Western Australia. This should enliven debate and discussion at the WALGA Conference and Annual General Meeting next week.

Congratulations to the South Perth Council (and Cr Cala in particular) for being the first Council to take a strong stand on the City of Perth Bill, including acknowledging the threats to other local governments and communities, not just their own.

NOTES on the City of Perth Bill

*          Clause 37 requires the Local Government Advisory Board, when assessing proposals affecting the City of Perth, “to have regard to the special significance of the role and responsibilities of the City of Perth that flow from Perth being the capital of Western Australia”, but does not define those roles and responsibilities. This leaves it open to the Minister or the City of Perth to ‘define’ them in any proposal and would aid the annexation of Burswood and the commercial areas of Vincent and Subiaco, to which the City of Perth has already laid claim.

**         Clauses 19-21 make non-resident (property or business owner) voting enrolment not subject to automatic expiry. Instead, the onus is placed on the enrollee to notify of becoming ineligible.

***        Clauses 12-15 establish a City of Perth Committee with mixed elected/administration membership that excludes the key portfolios of transport and planning, has no accountability or defined responsibilities and meets at the behest of the Premier.

****       Clauses 17 and 18 change the boundaries of the City of Perth to include Kings Park, 1800 residents of Subiaco, the QEII Medical Centre and the University of Western Australia. In addition, the river boundary is redrawn at the middle of the river, setting a precedent for shifting management responsibility and costs, currently shared between state and local governments, entirely to local governments.

*****      Clauses 28 and 29 provide powers over Kings Park for the Executive Director, Public Health. “For the purposes of protecting, promoting and improving public health”, the Executive Director, Public Health would have “all the powers and authority of a local government under the Local Government Act, 1995”.

              It does not require a large leap of imagination to see this applying to extension of the QEII Medical Centre (including anciliary medical/health services and even car parking) across Winthrop Avenue into Kings Park.

No rationale has been provided in information about the Bill for this provision.

******     Clause 27 repeals the City of Perth Restructuring Act, 1993, which is the sole instrument establishing the Towns of Victoria Park and Cambridge and the (now) City of Vincent. Repeal of this Act disestablishes those local governments and would open the way for the City of Perth to take over Burswood and commercial areas of Vincent.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Bringing You Up To Date

Nationals Stick To Their Principles

To their credit, the National's have confirmed they will continue their principled opposition to forced amalgamations and oppose the current City of Perth Bill. http://ianrker-vincent.blogspot.com.au/2015/06/on-parliamentary-record.htmlhttp://ianrker-vincent.blogspot.com.au/2015/06/bad-day-for-barnett.html

Liberal Fail

Liberal MLC Mark Lewis tried to find 'reasons' why country people should support the City of Perth Bill - but, as Cecilia Brooke eloquently points out, he failed dismally.

No Consultation

As has been pointed out elsewhere (http://ianrker-vincent.blogspot.com.au/2015/06/porkies-in-parliament.htmlhttp://ianrker-vincent.blogspot.com.au/2015/06/simpson-nonsense-and-inconsistency-again.html), there has been no effective consultation with affected communities. 

As Jane Boxall points out (West Australian, 6th July, 2015), this lack of consultation extends to the aboriginal community for whom much of the area affected by the City of Perth Bill has special significance.

Welcome to the Capital City Citizens' Committee Blog

The Capital City Citizens' Committee is a self-organising group of concerned citizens who believe that Western Australia deserves a better Capital City than the one that would be created by the current City of Perth Bill, which is primarily a grab for territory by or on behalf of the City of Perth. 

There has been no substantial justification for the inclusion of UWA and the QEII Medical Centre in the City of Perth and no consultation with the 1800 residents of Subiaco who would be arbitrarily moved with those institutions.

The Bill would provide the basis for the City of Perth to lay claim to the Burswood Peninsula and the the commercial areas of Vincent and Subiaco - all of which the City of Perth has previously sought control of. 

The Bill would do nothing to enhance the governance of the City of Perth as Capital City of Western Australia. Amongst other things, it gives unspecified power to the Premier, through the proposed City of Perth Committee, which is not accountable to the Perth City Council, the WA Parliament or the community.

The Capital City belongs to all Western Australians, not just the ratepayers, residents and businesses of the City of Perth. We are all citizens of our capital city.

The Capital City Citizens' Committee is working to ensure the defeat of the current Bill. We are meeting with politicians of all parties to present our concerns to them and to urge them to vote against the current City of Perth Bill.
The current City of Perth Bill cannot be sensibly amended and the only way forward is to defeat it and start again.
The Capital City Citizens' Committee is also working to establish the basis for a truly effective Capital City of which all Western Australians can be proud. We will develop and present what we believe are essential and appropriate principles and provisions for effective Capital City legislation and share these publicly through this blog.